Merry Toast Day Guys.
In a reply to many of your reveiws on my newest flash, I am making somthing Madness related but WAAAAAY better as we speak. I'm only gonna spending a few hours or less a day on it though. I'm getting along nicely with my "The Idiot" flash, I've used a lot of tweens though.. Thats.. not that good.
Anywhoo, Its 06:50 a.m here, I've had no sleep in the last three days, Even though ive been taking sleeping pills.. Damn Insomnia..
But Yeah..
Merry Toast Day. :3
Oh yeah.. Here a picture I put together:
I hope you can finally get a submission over 2.00, and make it original, and not totally suck ass.
Yazzoooo (Updated )
And I hope you can one day get a life and stop abusing other NG member so you can orgasm over your own fail.