Hello again, Newgrounds!
My "The Idiot" Pilot episode is coming along swell, All is well too as i just posted my entry into the Single Frame Collab.
Working on a WebComic too, Gots a lot of BS to be doing with. Madness Day '08 is ever aproching and theres never a better time than the present to continue work with my peice.
Not Too Shabby.
Its 05:42 here. Going light.
I finally caught up on some sleep earlier on, 45 mins. That should be enough to help me through today. Got a big day ahead of me.
And gots some flash to finish.
And gots my job to go to.
Peh, It'll get done.
See you laters.
Yazzoooo, Out.
That single frame collab is gay. It's for lazy ass people who don't want to make a full flash.
Or its for people who want to build upon or show off their still flash abilities.